
Environment & Health News Round-Up: Threats to Water & Food Supplies, Water Recognized as Human Right and more

UN Declares Water a Fundamental Human Right — U.S. Abstains from Voting on Resolution

The United Nations General Assembly has declared for the first time that access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right. In a historic vote Wednesday, 122 countries supported the resolution, and over forty countries abstained from voting, including the United States, Canada and several European and other industrialized countries. There were no votes against the resolution.

High levels of benzene, health hazard in Michigan now

Michigan spill: Would you like some Benzene with your Water?

Battle Creek girl vomits black liquid

Newtown Creek Is New York City’s Parallel to Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Fracking With Food: How the Natural Gas Industry Poisons Cows and Crops

New garbage patch discovered in Indian Ocean — ‘The world’s oceans are covered with a thin plastic soup’

Water Scarcity Facing 1/3 of US Counties

Poison Tap Water

Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies.

Video: Australian TV Exposes Fluoride as Poison

39 More Toxic Coal Ash Sites Found to Contaminate US Water Supply With Arsenic & Heavy Metals

BPA contamination found in 90 percent of soup cans

Even tiny exposure to BPA turns offspring into genetic mutants

Is Modern Medicine Founded On Error?

America’s Mental Illness Epidemic: It Turns Out That the Drugs Are the Problem

Aspartame: The Hidden Poison

Amazon’s Chernobyl – Massive Contamination and Destruction by Chevron

Cloned Meat May Already Have Invaded Our Food Supply, Posing Alarming Health Risks

Cloned Livestock Gain a Foothold in Europe

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals suspected as more girls experience early puberty

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals likely cause of feminization of fish in Alberta rivers

US food crops absorb toxic pharmaceuticals and personal care products from treated wastewater

6 million dead fish, alligators, turtles and dolphins floating down Bolivian rivers

“The extreme cold front that hit Bolivia in mid-July caused water temperatures to dip below the minimum temperatures river life can tolerate. As a consequence, rivers, lakes, lagoons and fisheries are brimming with decomposing fish and other creatures.

Iraq’s Garden of Eden

Restoring the Paradise that Saddam Destroyed. “Saddam Hussein drained the unique wetlands of southern Iraq as a punishment to the region’s Marsh Arabs who had backed an uprising. Two decades later, one courageous US Iraqi is leading efforts to restore the marshes. Not even exploding bombs can deter him from his dream.” [Via]

New Data Emerges On Gulf War Illness

Alarms sound over trash fires in war zones of Afghanistan, Iraq

Document Reveals Military Was Concerned About Gulf War Vets’ Exposure to Depleted Uranium

For years, the government has denied that depleted uranium (DU), a radioactive toxic waste left over from nuclear fission and added to munitions used in the Persian Gulf and Iraq wars, poisoned Iraqi civilians and veterans.

But a little-known 1993 Defense Department document written by then-Brigadier Gen. Eric Shinseki, now the secretary for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), shows that the Pentagon was concerned about DU contamination and the agency had ordered medical testing on all personnel that were exposed to the toxic substance.

The VA, however, never conducted the medical tests, which may have deprived hundreds of thousands of veterans from receiving medical care to treat cancer and other diseases that result from exposure to DU.

The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center recently reported that ten years of data confirm that service members tend to have higher rates of certain cancers compared to civilians, according to the Army Times. While researchers suspected that service members are diagnosed with cancer more often and at a younger age because they have guaranteed access to health care and mandatory exams, the data does not explain the disparities in diagnosis among branches of the military. For example, the rate of lung cancer among sailors is twice that of other branches, while Marines have much lower cancer rates across the board.

A Quarter Century after Chernobyl Radioactive Boar on the Rise in Germany

As Germany’s wild boar population has skyrocketed in recent years, so too has the number of animals contaminated by radioactivity left over from the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown. Government payments compensating hunters for lost income due to radioactive boar have quadrupled since 2007.

The CLEAR ACT: They are stealing it all: Land, water, minerals and the air we breathe

HR.3534, Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2010 (Reported in House – RH) will effectively render a greater amount of land as owned and/or controlled for profit, by the federal government along with minerals and water rights to now be controlled by the federal government and enforced through the BLM.

The Clear Act claims control of the oceans, Great Lakes and by extension many other waterways and freshwater resources, mineral mining, solar, geo-thermal, and gas and oil conducted on land or in the oceans, in, on or near the continental United States. This bill passed the House on August 4, 2010.   All of this as a result of the BP Oil gusher; like we didn’t already have thousands of unused laws on the books to deal with this.

Shocking Negligence: Gas Companies Drilling in Pennsylvania Have Committed Nearly 1,500 Environmental Violations in Just Two Years

Canada Forfeits Sovereignty Over Food & Natural Health

U.S. dietary supplements often contaminated: report

S510 – Illegal To Grow, Share, Trade, Sell Homegrown Food

S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.

Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates

Rare Earth Elements: World is Rapidly Running Out, China has Most of Remaining Supply

The Food Crisis in Niger

Nigeria records 3,000 oil spills since 2006

Weapons Buried at Sea: Big, Poorly Understood Problem

I n June, a clam boat happened upon some old military munitions off the coast of Long Island, New York. Mustard gas, released when the fishermen inadvertently hauled in the shells, blistered one crew member and reminded government officials, scientists and the public of the weapons arsenal that is buried deep below the surface of the world’s oceans.

UN Identifies Medical Use of Radiation as Main Source of Human Exposure

FDA ignored evidence that CT scans are killing 14,000 Americans a year from cancer

The Cancer Epidemic: Its Environmental Causes

The World Health Organization is projecting that this year cancer will become the world’s leading cause of death. Why the epidemic of cancer? Death certificates in United States show cancer as being the eighth leading cause of death in 1900. Why has it skyrocketed to now surpass heart disease as number one? Is it because people live longer and have to die of something? That’s a factor, but not the prime reason as reflected by the jump in age-adjusted cancer being far above what could be expected from increased longevity. And it certainly doesn’t explain the steep hike in childhood cancers. Is it lifestyle, diet and genetics, as we have often been told? They are factors, but not key reasons. The cause of the cancer epidemic, as numerous studies have now documented, is largely environmental – the result of toxic substances in the water we drink, the food we eat, the consumer products we use, the air we breathe. As the President’s Cancer Panel in May in a 240-page report titled Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now declared: “The American people – even before they are born – are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.” It said: “With the growing body of evidence linking environmental exposures to cancer, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the unacceptable burden of cancer resulting from environmental and occupational exposures that could have been prevented through appropriate national action.”

Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and the Government has Known for 36 Years

Beyond the BP Spill: Serious Threats to the Environment and Our Health

The World’s Ongoing Ecological Disasters

While the focus is centered on the Gulf of Mexico, many of the world’s greatest environmental catastrophes continue, with no end in sight.

7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned

The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being.  Volumes can be written — indeed have been written — by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health.  The categories below are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues.


One Million Gallons of Oil Leak Into Michigan River From Pipeline – Largest in Midwest History

Toxic waste reaches Potomac Aquifer

Tainted groundwater is spreading across thousands of acres in northern Delaware and has reached the Potomac Aquifer, which supplies drinking water to people across much of Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey.  In some areas of the upper Potomac near Delaware City and New Castle, concentrations of benzene, vinyl chloride and chlorinated benzenes are so high that exposure poses an immediate health threat. Elevated levels of these industrial byproducts significantly increase the risks of cancer. Sustained exposure could kill.

“Fracking” Poisons Your Drinking Water: Stand Up to the Oil Giants and Help Stop the Catastrophe

1/2 of All China’s Water is Too Polluted to Drink

Amazon Watch campaigners report from Ecuador region devastated by Chevron oil spills

Jordan River too polluted for baptisms

“Sadly, the lower Jordan River has long suffered from severe mismanagement with the diversion of 98 percent of its fresh water by Israel, Syria and Jordan and the discharge of untreated sewage, agricultural run-off, saline water and fish pond effluent in its place,” the statement said.

Court Ruling: Botswana Bushmen Denied Access to Water

Worst drought in a decade destroys millions of hectares of Russian crops

Millions face starvation as Niger prays in vain for rain

Oceans facing ‘irreversible’ deterioration, report says

One Year After Ontario Ban: Over 80% Decline of Most Common Pesticides in Surface Waters

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’!


Dr. Joseph Mercola Stresses Artificial Sweetener Killing Americans

America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You with Name Change

Meet the Food Industry Front Groups That Push for Carcinogens in Your Food

Something Fishy This Way Swims! Genetically Modified Population Control is Something to Beef About!

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street ‘Caught Off Guard’ by Severity

Devastation of Food Farming: Expansion of Biofuels in Sub-saharan Africa

$500,000 Damages in Genetic Rice Trial

A federal jury awarded a rice farmer $500,000 for his claim that genetically modified rice contaminated his crop. It was the third of five “bellwether” trials involving hundreds of lawsuits that farmers have filed against Bayer CropScience. The complaints are the result of an August 2006 announcement that LibertyLink, a herbicide-resistant rice, had somehow been released from testing facilities. The rice had not yet been approved for sale for human consumption, causing rice futures to plunge.


Prozac Pollution Making Shrimp Reckless

Shrimp in Prozac-laced coastal waters swim into bright areas, making them more visible to predators, a new study says.

Pharmacists give themselves cancer from dispensing toxic chemotherapy chemicals

Deet Finally Exposed as Neurotoxic

Is Pfizer the BP of Drug Companies?

To say Pfizer’s been accused of wrongdoing is like saying BP had an oil spill. Other drug companies have a portfolio of products, Pfizer has a portfolio of scandals including, but not limited to, Chantix, Lipitor, Viagra, Geodon, Trovan, Bextra, Celebrex, Lyrica, Zoloft, Halcion and drugs for osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, kidney transplants and leukemia.

During one week in June, Pfizer:

1) agreed to pull its 10-year-old leukemia drug, Mylotarg, from the market because it caused more not less patient deaths;

2) Suspended pediatric trials of Geodon two months after the FDA said children were being overdosed;

3) Suspended trials of Tanezumab, an osteoarthritis pain drug, because patients got worse not better, some needing joint replacements (pattern, anyone?);

4) Was investigated by the House for off-label marketing of kidney transplant drug, Rapamune, and targeting African-Americans;

5) Saw a researcher who helped establish its Bextra, Celebrex and Lyrica as effective pain meds; Scott S Reuben, MD, trotted off to prison for research fraud;

6) was sued by Blue Cross Blue Shield to recoup money it overpaid for Bextra and other drugs;

7) received a letter from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) requesting its whistleblower policy; and,

8) had its appeal to end lawsuits by Nigerian families who accuse it of illegal trials of the antibiotic, Trovan, in which 11 children died, rejected by the Supreme Court.

And how was your week?


Mobile phones ‘causing memory loss’

Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe

VIDEO: Life Under the Toxic Mountain. Kosovo Roma Suffer Ongoing Lead Poisoning

Mapping the Atlantic Garbage Patch: Expedition counts up to 500,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometer

It’s Not Just the Bees — Now Scientists Say 25% of All Flowering Species Could Go Extinct

Walmart, KFC, Burger King Paper Purchases Destroying Indonesia’s Rainforests

Fallujah children’s ‘genetic damage’

US War Crimes: Cancer Rate in Fallujah Worse than Hiroshima

Photos Iraq babies born deformed depleted uranium — US Veterans becoming sick with DU — Children living lives with DU

In September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital, Iraq, had 170 new born babies, 24% of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75% of the dead babies were classified as deformed.  This can be compared with data from the month of August in 2002 where there were 530 new born babies of whom six were dead within the first seven days and only one birth defect was reported.  Doctors in Fallujah have specifically pointed out that not only are they witnessing unprecedented numbers of birth defects but what is more alarming is: “a significant number of babies that do survive begin to develop severe disabilities at a later stage.”

American Fascism News Round-Up: The Police State is Here – What They’ve Done Is Nothing Compared To What They’re Prepared To Do

Wake Up America-Current State of Affairs in a Nutshell

The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society

A great summary and call to action

American fascism: by political definition the US is now fascist, not a constitutional republic

How can the US be fascist if we have elections and the US Constitution? Ok, I’ll explain…

Civilization, Created by Mass-Murderers Using Slave Labor

The Bill of Rights Was Meant to Limit Federal Power

How fragile we are: Why the complexity of modern civilization threatens us all

Things to Come

The simple fact is while America has been sleeping, the groundwork to totally and finally break the American people into accepting global government as a solution to war, climate change, food, pandemics, and natural disasters is in place.

US Military Actions Overseas: 1798 – 2008  

Compiled by Congressional Research Service for Congress, 2009.  With the infrequent exception of year off now and again, we have been at war continuously since 1798.

A History of CIA Atrocities  

Top 100 Defense Contractors

World Wide Military Expenditures

Video: Galtung: ‘U.S. empire will fall by 2020’  

Although most of the headlines read that the U.S. economy is growing again, professor and author Johan Gultang seems to have a different perspective on the future of the U.S. RT’s Dina Gusovsky interviews him about his new book: The Fall of the U.S. Empire-And Then What?

Militaristic, corrupt America increasingly resembles a Third World state.

Angry nationalism shouts down prudence. Disproportionate military spending threatens economic wellbeing. Industry has its hand so deep in the government’s purse that private enterprise is becoming public property. The currency falters, the infrastructure crumbles. And a supine media, once a watchdog of the powerful, happily licks the strongman’s hand. If the picture looks familiar, that’s because we’ve seen it many times before, from Argentina to Chile to Russia. The U.S. is third worlding.  That statement may smack of hyperbole. It may also understate the phenomenon, for many of the countries that the United States increasingly resembles are not only Third World—they are authoritarian, even rogue.

10 False Flags that Changed the World  

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council   

Ron Paul: Government Can Quarantine People – H1N1, Quarantine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran   

New World Order Videos

Global Governance – EU President Admits One-World Government is Here NWO – New World Order

Ecoscience Co-Author Paul Ehrlich Maintains Global Population Control Advocacy in recent interview

U.S. Military Employs “Counterinsurgency” Strategy In Californian City

In Indiana, practice for ‘civilian surge’ in Afghanistan  

To Prepare for War, G.I.’s Get a Dress Rehearsal

In Louisiana, training scenarios in mock Afghan villages are created from intelligence reports fresh from the front.

Winchester to Deliver 200 Million 40-Cal. Rounds to Homeland Security

Winchester Ammunition was recently awarded a contract by the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security to supply a maximum of 200 million, 40 cal. rounds over the next five years.

Spies for Hire: New Online Database of U.S. Intelligence Contractors

Brazil: Police Killed More Than 11,000 in the Last Six Years

Unmanned aerial “Predator” drones to patrol US/Mexico border

Welcome Home, War! Creating the “Domestic Surveillance State”

American fascism: Obama, “Justice” Dept., Supreme Court prevent prosecution of US torture

The John Hope Franklin File: FBI Looked At Esteemed Historian For Communist Ties

U.S. Imprisoned Iranian Engineer Secretly For Two Years Before Sentencing

RAND: A Stability Police Force for the United States

Establishing security is the sine qua non of stability operations, since it is a prerequisite for reconstruction and development. Security requires a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats from insurgents to criminal organizations. This research examines the creation of a high-end police force, which the authors call a Stability Police Force (SPF). The study considers what size force is necessary, how responsive it needs to be, where in the government it might be located, what capabilities it should have, how it could be staffed, and its cost. This monograph also considers several options for locating this force within the U.S. government, including the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Secret Service, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in the Department of State, and the U.S. Army’s Military Police. The authors conclude that an SPF containing 6,000 people — created in the U.S. Marshals Service and staffed by a “hybrid option,” in which SPF members are federal police officers seconded to federal, state, and local police agencies when not deployed — would be the most effective of the options considered. The SPF would be able to deploy in 30 days. The cost for this option would be $637.3 million annually, in FY2007 dollars.

New maritime security law will deputize U.S. officers “in every part of Canada” during integrated operations

Underming the American People’s Right to Privacy: The Secret State’s Surveillance Machine

If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have everything to worry about

 People who say this are fools, not to be too blunt about it. Not only are they willing to trade away my rights, since they haven’t a basic appreciation of theirs, but their understanding of the relationship between government and the governed is one of subservience based on fear, and the idea that their fear is not only natural, but justifiably permanent given the state of the world.

Google CEO: “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”

Google chief: only miscreants worry about net privacy

If you’re concerned about Google retaining your personal data, then you must be doing something you shouldn’t be doing. At least that’s the word from Google CEO Eric Schmidt.  “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place,” Schmidt tells CNBC, sparking howls of incredulity from the likes of Gawker. But the bigger news may be that Schmidt has actually admitted there are cases where the search giant is forced to release your personal data.

Google now tracking you even after you log out

Police Spying On Protesters Stirs Outrage in Britain

Release of secret reports delayed

President Obama will maintain a lid of secrecy on millions of pages of military and intelligence documents that were scheduled to be declassified by the end of the year, according to administration officials.  The missed deadline spells trouble for the White House’s promises to introduce an era of government openness, say advocates, who believe that releasing historical information enforces a key check on government behavior. They cite as an example the abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, including domestic spying and assassinations of foreign officials, that were publicly outlined in a set of agency documents known as the “family jewels.’’ 

Homeland Security Embarks on Big Brother Programs to Read Our Minds and Emotions

The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo  – with video, Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

They Really Are Trying to Engineer Super-soldiers

 $3 billion super soldier program: 10 times muscle endurance, 7 foot vertical leap, wall crawling, personal flight and more DARPA today has a long-term, $3 billion program to help make such a “Metabolically Dominant Soldier.” In other words, the military is studying how to use technology and biology to meld man and machine

NSA Has Conspicuous Role in New Federal Cybersecurity Center  

Judicial Watch Obtains New CIA Documents on Terrorist Interrogations  

At U.S. airports, TSA officers covertly monitor travelers’ behavior  

Department of Justice Threatens the Internet

Feds Wanted Private Data on All Visitors to Liberal Internet News Site

Spying on Americans: Obama Endorses Bush Era Warrantless Wiretapping  

Obama Regime: Toss NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Lawsuit   

CIA Had People Raped with Broken Bottles, Boiled Alive  

Senate Bill Would Give President Obama Authority to Pull the Plug on Your Internet

CNET News has obtained a summary of a proposal from Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) that would create an Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, part of the Executive Office of the President. That office would receive the power to disconnect, if it believes they’re at risk of a cyberattack, “critical” computer networks from the Internet. 

FDA dupes Interpol to achieve illegal kidnapping and deportation of herbal formulator Greg Caton

Small Community Cancer Cure Crushed by Big Pharma, Part I

The Secret ICE Prisons of the United States

“If you don’t have enough evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he’s illegal, we can make him disappear.” Those chilling words were spoken by James Pendergraph, then executive director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Office of State and Local Coordination, at a conference of police and sheriffs in August 2008. Also present was Amnesty International’s Sarnata Reynolds, who wrote about the incident in the 2009 report “Jailed Without Justice” and said in an interview, “It was almost surreal being there, particularly being someone from an organization that has worked on disappearances for decades in other countries. I couldn’t believe he would say it so boldly, as though it weren’t anything wrong.”

Police Handing Out Tickets For Air Fresheners

Ermir Spahiu was pulled over by police for his window-mounted GPS unit. For Tina Ross, it was her handicapped placard. And Mark Hubbard was nailed for an air freshener. All three Illinois drivers were stopped for what they thought were innocent items placed near their windshields.

22 million missing Bush-era emails found, set for 2014 release

Mercenaries and Assassins: The Real Face of Obama’s “Good War”

Blowback From America’s Mercenary Army–Ret. Generals Make More Than Gates

America’s Faltering Military/Mercenary Army

US: Up to 56,000 more contractors likely for Afghanistan

The surge of 30,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan could be accompanied by a surge of up to 56,000 contractors, vastly expanding the presence of personnel from the U.S. private sector in a war zone, according to a study by the Congressional Research Service.

WMD treaty violations and inspection refusal for biological, nuclear, chemical weapons. Iran? No, US

Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control

State of Texas Saving Newborn DNA Samples

CNN finds modern-day slaves in US

Public Menace-Private Profit: America’s Biowarfare Alliance

Rahm Emanuel Says that One-Million Americans Should Lose Their Constitutional Rights  

The Annexation of Colombia to the US

Council On Foreign Relations Symposium on Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics and Foreign Policy: Fake Scarcity of H1N1 Vaccine to Convince People to Take It (Laughter)  

Where Will They Get the Troops? Preparing Undeployables for the Afghan Front  

Declassified FBI File Alleges an Israeli Intelligence Agent Worked at AIPAC  

KBR may have poisoned 100,000 people in Iraq: lawsuit  

Whistleblowers: Blackwater approved payoffs of Iraqi officials  

UN investigator accuses US of shameful neglect of homeless  

Support our troops when they become veterans: 25% of US homeless are veterans

Former US diplomat could make ‘hundreds of millions’ off Iraqi oil fields  

How Rahm Emanuel Made Mega-Millions and Bought His Way to Power

Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel’s Dirty Secret  

Democracy: U.S. Unveils New $60 Million Prison Wing in Afghanistan  

USA Prepares to Attack Russia in 3 or 4 Years?  

America needs a “Manhunting Agency”   

The US military’s Joint Special Operations University argues that the CIA hasn’t done enough to take out the Bad Guys, one by one. No: America needs a “National Manhunting Agency” to hunt down jihadists, drug dealers, pirates and other enemies of the state. I suggest a rebrand: “Manhunting Agency” sounds a bit too much like a gay dating site.


Police to Wear Ear-Cams to Record Arrests  

Young Children Taught To Inform On Parents In Tampa  

Rahm Emanuel to Disarm America:”#1 Issue”, Gun Owners are Terrorists  

Chicago Aldermen Keep Secret Slush Fund

D.C. Council Chair Adds To Growing Local Scandals

VIRUS in the VOTING MACHINES: Tainted Results in NY-23

Facts Behind ‘Men Who Stare at Goats’

As crazy as “The Men Who Stare at Goats” may seem, there’s a real story behind the psychic experimentation

Secret Global Copyright Agreement is Executive Order

Judge: Corps’ negligence caused Katrina flooding

The Pentagon Budget: Largest Ever and Growing

FDA openly allows criminally-convicted doctors, researchers to keep working on pharmaceuticals and clinical trials

The Emerging Medical Dictatorship

We may have been granted a temporary reprieve from forced medical treatments this time around, but have we been spared from the government? As usual, the answer is “no”. While the government may not be forcing a medicine down our throats or corralling uncooperative people in camps, what they are doing should send shivers down our collective spine. They are creating lists of dissidents and “terrorists”. These lists contain detailed information on individuals. And, if ever the laws were changed to permit more coercive action instead of passive data collection then the government would already have the names of the supposed “enemies of the state” on hand.