
Environment & Health News Round-Up: Threats to Water & Food Supplies, Water Recognized as Human Right and more

UN Declares Water a Fundamental Human Right — U.S. Abstains from Voting on Resolution

The United Nations General Assembly has declared for the first time that access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right. In a historic vote Wednesday, 122 countries supported the resolution, and over forty countries abstained from voting, including the United States, Canada and several European and other industrialized countries. There were no votes against the resolution.

High levels of benzene, health hazard in Michigan now

Michigan spill: Would you like some Benzene with your Water?

Battle Creek girl vomits black liquid

Newtown Creek Is New York City’s Parallel to Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Fracking With Food: How the Natural Gas Industry Poisons Cows and Crops

New garbage patch discovered in Indian Ocean — ‘The world’s oceans are covered with a thin plastic soup’

Water Scarcity Facing 1/3 of US Counties

Poison Tap Water

Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies.

Video: Australian TV Exposes Fluoride as Poison

39 More Toxic Coal Ash Sites Found to Contaminate US Water Supply With Arsenic & Heavy Metals

BPA contamination found in 90 percent of soup cans

Even tiny exposure to BPA turns offspring into genetic mutants

Is Modern Medicine Founded On Error?

America’s Mental Illness Epidemic: It Turns Out That the Drugs Are the Problem

Aspartame: The Hidden Poison

Amazon’s Chernobyl – Massive Contamination and Destruction by Chevron

Cloned Meat May Already Have Invaded Our Food Supply, Posing Alarming Health Risks

Cloned Livestock Gain a Foothold in Europe

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals suspected as more girls experience early puberty

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals likely cause of feminization of fish in Alberta rivers

US food crops absorb toxic pharmaceuticals and personal care products from treated wastewater

6 million dead fish, alligators, turtles and dolphins floating down Bolivian rivers

“The extreme cold front that hit Bolivia in mid-July caused water temperatures to dip below the minimum temperatures river life can tolerate. As a consequence, rivers, lakes, lagoons and fisheries are brimming with decomposing fish and other creatures.

Iraq’s Garden of Eden

Restoring the Paradise that Saddam Destroyed. “Saddam Hussein drained the unique wetlands of southern Iraq as a punishment to the region’s Marsh Arabs who had backed an uprising. Two decades later, one courageous US Iraqi is leading efforts to restore the marshes. Not even exploding bombs can deter him from his dream.” [Via]

New Data Emerges On Gulf War Illness

Alarms sound over trash fires in war zones of Afghanistan, Iraq

Document Reveals Military Was Concerned About Gulf War Vets’ Exposure to Depleted Uranium

For years, the government has denied that depleted uranium (DU), a radioactive toxic waste left over from nuclear fission and added to munitions used in the Persian Gulf and Iraq wars, poisoned Iraqi civilians and veterans.

But a little-known 1993 Defense Department document written by then-Brigadier Gen. Eric Shinseki, now the secretary for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), shows that the Pentagon was concerned about DU contamination and the agency had ordered medical testing on all personnel that were exposed to the toxic substance.

The VA, however, never conducted the medical tests, which may have deprived hundreds of thousands of veterans from receiving medical care to treat cancer and other diseases that result from exposure to DU.

The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center recently reported that ten years of data confirm that service members tend to have higher rates of certain cancers compared to civilians, according to the Army Times. While researchers suspected that service members are diagnosed with cancer more often and at a younger age because they have guaranteed access to health care and mandatory exams, the data does not explain the disparities in diagnosis among branches of the military. For example, the rate of lung cancer among sailors is twice that of other branches, while Marines have much lower cancer rates across the board.

A Quarter Century after Chernobyl Radioactive Boar on the Rise in Germany

As Germany’s wild boar population has skyrocketed in recent years, so too has the number of animals contaminated by radioactivity left over from the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown. Government payments compensating hunters for lost income due to radioactive boar have quadrupled since 2007.

The CLEAR ACT: They are stealing it all: Land, water, minerals and the air we breathe

HR.3534, Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2010 (Reported in House – RH) will effectively render a greater amount of land as owned and/or controlled for profit, by the federal government along with minerals and water rights to now be controlled by the federal government and enforced through the BLM.

The Clear Act claims control of the oceans, Great Lakes and by extension many other waterways and freshwater resources, mineral mining, solar, geo-thermal, and gas and oil conducted on land or in the oceans, in, on or near the continental United States. This bill passed the House on August 4, 2010.   All of this as a result of the BP Oil gusher; like we didn’t already have thousands of unused laws on the books to deal with this.

Shocking Negligence: Gas Companies Drilling in Pennsylvania Have Committed Nearly 1,500 Environmental Violations in Just Two Years

Canada Forfeits Sovereignty Over Food & Natural Health

U.S. dietary supplements often contaminated: report

S510 – Illegal To Grow, Share, Trade, Sell Homegrown Food

S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.

Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates

Rare Earth Elements: World is Rapidly Running Out, China has Most of Remaining Supply

The Food Crisis in Niger

Nigeria records 3,000 oil spills since 2006

Weapons Buried at Sea: Big, Poorly Understood Problem

I n June, a clam boat happened upon some old military munitions off the coast of Long Island, New York. Mustard gas, released when the fishermen inadvertently hauled in the shells, blistered one crew member and reminded government officials, scientists and the public of the weapons arsenal that is buried deep below the surface of the world’s oceans.

UN Identifies Medical Use of Radiation as Main Source of Human Exposure

FDA ignored evidence that CT scans are killing 14,000 Americans a year from cancer

The Cancer Epidemic: Its Environmental Causes

The World Health Organization is projecting that this year cancer will become the world’s leading cause of death. Why the epidemic of cancer? Death certificates in United States show cancer as being the eighth leading cause of death in 1900. Why has it skyrocketed to now surpass heart disease as number one? Is it because people live longer and have to die of something? That’s a factor, but not the prime reason as reflected by the jump in age-adjusted cancer being far above what could be expected from increased longevity. And it certainly doesn’t explain the steep hike in childhood cancers. Is it lifestyle, diet and genetics, as we have often been told? They are factors, but not key reasons. The cause of the cancer epidemic, as numerous studies have now documented, is largely environmental – the result of toxic substances in the water we drink, the food we eat, the consumer products we use, the air we breathe. As the President’s Cancer Panel in May in a 240-page report titled Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now declared: “The American people – even before they are born – are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.” It said: “With the growing body of evidence linking environmental exposures to cancer, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the unacceptable burden of cancer resulting from environmental and occupational exposures that could have been prevented through appropriate national action.”

Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and the Government has Known for 36 Years

US Economic News Round-Up: Increasing discussion of economic collapse, statistics

25 Signs That Almost Everyone Is Expecting An Economic Collapse In 2010

Most people paying attention to the news know things are very bad and getting worse, but this article references the major institutions that are preparing for total economic collapse.

20 More Signs Of A Full-On Economic Collapse

“It’s Over” For US Economy: Buffett Partner

Bernanke delivers blunt warning on U.S. debt

With uncharacteristic bluntness, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned Congress on Wednesday that the United States could soon face a debt crisis like the one in Greece, and declared that the central bank will not help legislators by printing money to pay for the ballooning federal debt.

National debt seen heading for crisis level

With ferocious speed, the financial crisis, recession and efforts to combat the recession have swung the U.S. debt from worrisome to ruinous, promising to handcuff the administration.

Lost amid last month’s passage of the new health care law, the Congressional Budget Office issued a report showing that within this decade, President Obama’s own budget sends the U.S. government to a potential tipping point where the debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product.

No one is advocating big tax increases or spending cuts before a recovery takes hold. The problem is that deficits will not reverse even after a full recovery.

U.S. posts 19th straight monthly budget deficit

The United States posted an $82.69 billion deficit in April, nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009 and the largest on record for that month

Chapman Predicts ‘Major Financial and Social Mayhem’ Before November Elections

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’

Harvard professor and prolific author Niall Ferguson opened the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival Monday with a stark warning about the increasing prospect of the American “empire” suddenly collapsing due to the country’s rising debt level.

“I think this is a problem that is going to go live really soon,” Ferguson said. “In that sense, I mean within the next two years. Because the whole thing, fiscally and other ways, is very near the edge of chaos. And we’ve seen already in Greece what happens when the bond market loses faith in your fiscal policy.”

Collapse in Living Standards in America: More Poverty By Any Measure

15 million unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities

Dollar Devaluation and Destruction of America Pick Up Steam

Central Banks Start to Abandon U.S. Dollar

California on ‘verge of system failure’

Case files piling up by the thousands, phones ringing off the hook, forced midweek courthouse closings and occasional brawls as frustrated citizens queue for hours to pay parking fines.

Bankruptcy talk spreads among Calif. muni officials

Los Angeles on the Brink of Bankruptcy

The latest tale of financial crisis in California is playing out in Los Angeles. The city faces a budget shortfall approaching a billion dollars, and unless it can find a remedy soon, it may be insolvent by midsummer.

Freddie Mac asks for additional $10,000,000,000 bailout

States of Crisis for 46 Governments Facing Greek-Style Deficits

Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe

Doomsday is here for the state of Illinois

To become solvent, the state must enact the largest tax-increase package in Illinois history, whack another $2 billion from already starved government programs and wrest major financial concessions from the state’s unionized work force, a nonpartisan government watchdog contends.

Tent Slums Spring Up in America

Roads to Ruin: Towns Rip Up the Pavement

The 18 States Facing The Most Brutal Austerity Cuts

America’s new debtor prison: Jail time being given to those who owe

What Do the Hungry Eat?


Debt Saturation: Each Dollar of New Debt Now Subtracts 45 Cents from GDP

Click through for plenty of chart doom

15 Years Ago, the Combined Assets of the 6 Biggest Banks Totaled 17% of GDP… By 2006, 55% … Now, 63%

Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

Actually, The Unemployment Ratio Is 41%

The broadest measure of unemployment is the Civilian Employment-Population Ratio, which is exactly what it sounds like: the ratio of employed civilians to the total population. It stands right around 59%, which is the lowest its been since the early 80s.

The Real Unemployment Rate: 21.5%

Nearly 20 percent of U.S. workers underemployed

World’s Billionaires Grew 50 Percent Richer in 2009

US Super-rich Get Five Times More Income Than In 1995

Percentage of GDP to External Debt: Default is Inevitable

Consumer Bankruptcies Up 14 Percent In First Half Of 2010

Commercial Mortgage Default Rate in U.S. More Than Doubles

Millions of Unemployed Face Years Without Jobs

More than half of Detroit’s homeless at risk of dying on streets

Food-stamp tally nears 40 million, sets record

U.S. Government Now 96.5% of the Mortgage Market Q1, 2010

More Than 1 In 5 American Children Are Now Living Below The Poverty Line

1 in 4 American children are on food stamps.

Half a Dozen States Are Delaying Tax Refund Checks

Quarter Of American Bridges Declared Structurally Deficient or Functionally Obsolete


On Creating Local Food Economies

Food-backed Local Money

Creative Food Economy Emerges in Ontario

Deeply Rooted: Unconventional Farmers in the Age of Agribusiness

Exploring Permaculture in the Big City

Limits to Living Off the Land

Permablitz UK: Neighbors Reinvent Backyards (Video)

An Edible Schoolyard in Durham: How Kids Grow (Video)

Is Decentralized Urban Farming the Future of food?

Store or Starve A beginner’s guide to food storage

San Franciscans Turn Abandoned Lot Into Full-Fledged Farm

The Localization of Agriculture: A Predetermined Future

Think small on farming to help poor

Mother Jones Debates the Future of Our Food Systems

A debate is going on over at Mother Jones about our food systems, sparked by a piece written Paul Roberts pointing out that sustainable food systems aren’t all that easy to obtain when it comes to feeding billions of people.

Whence Nutrition

Where does the food in your bodega — or the corner grocer, the local minimart — come from? […] How come it’s easier to find fresh fruits and vegetables in Brooklyn Heights than in the South Bronx? What’s the connection between the incidence of diabetes and the food market supply chain?

The Center for Urban Pedagogy and Designer Observer‘s 30-minute video Bodega Down Bronx looks into the urban grocery gap, and is freely available to stream.
The food justice movement is a broader response to this well-known discrepancy. In the past decade, a few organizations have started up in places such as Seattle, West Oakland, New York City (including parts of the Bronx), amongst others.

The Urban Nutrition Initiative (more here) is addressing this same problem via projects like the Corner Store Project which aims to incentivize healthy eating habits.  More background on this can be found in Amanda Shaffer’s 107-page [PDF] The Persistence of L.A.’s Grocery Gap. There are more academic studies, so if you’re on a university campus, check out papers by Wekerie and Giang et al.

Do kids need to learn gardening or more algebra?

“The suicidal dietary choices of so many poor people are the result of a problem, not the problem itself. The solution lies in an education that will propel students into a higher economic class, where they will live better and therefore eat better.” So argues Caitlin Flanagan in the pages of The Atlantic against Alice Waters’ idea that school curricula ought to teach children where food comes from and how to grow it (see The Edible Schoolyard).

The school gardener strikes back

Shunning Wal-Mart: A DIY general store

The residents of this windswept basin 100 miles from anywhere know that if they want something done, they have to do it themselves. Whether it’s repairing a tractor or rejuvenating Main Street, the people here fix their own problems.

[news] 184 Communes Currently in Formation in Venezuela

The Water Crisis: A Practical Solution

One practical solution to the water shortage is to replace our centralized water based sewer system with on site, waterless toilets and recycle grey water. Grey water is the water from the kitchen and shower and can be recycled, on site and reused for landscaping. This will reduce our demand on the water source by 80 percent while simultaneously creating a sustainable, renewable, agricultural resource, namely, organic nitrogen.

How to treat and store emergency water: Part 1, 2 and 3 – via There Are No Sunglasses

Scavenger’s Manifesto: HOWTO be an urban scavenger

What can Burning Man teach cities?

Hello local, goodbye global: Relocalization movement gains momentum

Grassroots Heroes: Tell Us What YOU’RE Doing to Spread the Message!

Open Green Map – Real-Time Mapping of Growing Green Communities