
Climate & Environment News Round-Up

EWG Study Finds Hundreds of Pollutants in Nation’s Drinking Water

Global supply of rare earth elements could be wiped out by 2012

Air Pollution Can Harm Human Reproduction

Six Deadly Chemicals You’re Carrying in Your Body

Environmental Coverup: Radioactive Groundwater Contamination in the Chesapeake Bay

Video: ‘Birth defects’ from Israeli bombs

India’s generation of children crippled by uranium waste

Uranium Weapons, Low-Level Radiation and Deformed Babies

Whale-Shaped Floating Garden Cleans the World’s Rivers

Ethanol burns dirtier than gasoline, study finds

One quarter of US grain crops fed to cars – not people, new figures show

The Effects of Genetically Modified Foods on Animal Health

Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage

See You in Cochabamba! Evo Morales Plans Bolivian Alternative Climate Summit for April

2.4 Million Pounds of Plastic Pollution Enter the World’s Oceans Every Hour

Compact Fluorescent Lights Dumping Mercury Directly into Landfills

Greenwash 101 Fact Sheet

Darwin’s Finches are Evolving Again

EPA Releases Interactive Map of Facilities Guilty of Eco-Crimes

Point and Counter-Point Chart Sums Up the Climate Change Debate

If you’re looking for a great graphic that sums up the climate change debate, check out this handy chart by Information is Beautiful. All of the major debate points from climate change deniers on one side, with the counter points by climate change activists on the other side. Information – pure and simple – lays out the debate, including graphics.

It’s too large to past the whole graphic here, but Information is Beautiful provides the entire thing. Debate points like “We don’t even have accurate temperature records” and “It was actually hotter in medieval times than it is today” are all addressed, along with the oh-so-relevant “When the evidence doesn’t fit, scientists edit the evidence.”

The mini ice age starts here (UK)

Climategate investigated by – WTF? – the ‘National Domestic Extremism’ team

No Rise of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Fraction in Past 160 Years, New Research Finds

Most of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity does not remain in the atmosphere, but is instead absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems.

Rolling Stone Calls Out the 17 Worst ‘Climate Killers’ in the US

Carbon trading fraud in Belgium – “up to 90% of the whole market volume was caused by fraudulent activities”


News Round-Up: Environment, Climate and Geoengineering / Weather Modification

Spy Drones To Enforce CO2 Regulations

Climategate Part 1 – A 2,000-page epic of science and skepticism

Oceans at a Tipping Point for Ecological Collapse

The U.S. Military is One of the World’s Largest Sources of C02

Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Gov’t framework despite fallout over science fraud

AP: Monsanto dominating seed markets with patented genetics

The New GMO Debate: Genetically Engineered Organic Crops

Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control

Researcher Wants Sulfur Pumped Into Stratosphere To Combat Warming

Filmmaker Robert Greene on Weather Modification, Geoengineering, and Owning the Weather; Film Screens Sunday at COP15 (Interview)

Chavez asking Cubans to ‘bomb clouds’ amid drought

Worlwide Corporate Control of Agriculture: The New Farm Owners

Is There Such a Thing as Agro-Imperialism?

Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that “feminize” unborn baby boys

Chemicals used in plastics feminise the brains of little boys ’so that they avoid rough and tumble games’

Genetically Engineered Agriculture Results in Increased Herbicide Usage; Weed Resistance, Farming Costs and Health Concerns on the Rise

Genetically engineered hormones used by dairy industry promote cancer

CDC study finds mercury and more in Americans

Many of the tallest mountains in North and South America contain PCBs

Fluoride Causes Premature Births, Brain Degradation, Bone Loss, Cancer and Hormone Disruption

Deepest volcano caught on Pacific Ocean video

Massive Underground Coal Fire Started in 1962 Still Burns Today

Such unwanted coal fires rage or smolder in the United States, South Africa, Australia, China, India and beyond. They are burning in huge volumes in rural China and blazing in a district of India to such a great extent the flames from some surface coal fires are more than 20 feet high. Here in the U.S., they are burning in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Colorado and Wyoming as you read these words.

Chevron Sued for Billions After Poisoning Waterways in Ecuador; One of the Largest Environmental Damage Cases in History

 6 Ways Agriculture Impacts Global Warming

Beauty-conscious women put 515 chemicals on their face and body every day

Growing Food, and Community, in the Desert

 A cynic might look at a program like the Edible Schoolyard — the much-lauded school garden initiative launched by Chez Panisse’s Alice Waters — and wonder if such a thing would be possible outside the favorable growing climes (and foodie sensibilities) of California, and without the support of a famous chef. But as a moving article by a young teacher in rural Arizona shows, the answer is a resounding “yes.”

Newly evolved finch appears on the Galapagos Islands

 Scientists studying Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos are witnessing evolution in action. (Photo: Grant, P./PNAS)

Just a few years ago, the husband and wife team of Peter and B. Rosemary Grant made the breakthrough discovery that the beak sizes of some of the finches on the Galapagos Islands had already changed since Darwin’s visit in 1835. Now they believe they may have witnessed the evolution of a brand new species.

Bird feeders speed up evolution

Dams potentially cause more rain

Fish kill called necessary to save the Great Lakes

Burst Oil Pipeline Leaks 46,000 Gallons in One of Alaska’s ‘Worst Ever’ Spills

The Weapons Used In Iraq – Afghanistan Have Far Reaching Effects

We have seen the terrible consequences to human life and the environment that has been caused by weapons that contain uranium components. Genetically speaking the US and UK have destroyed the DNA of the Iraqi people as well as causing catastrophic effects on the environment.

Presidents and Prime Ministers really have a lot to answer for when they started the wars in the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza and now Pakistan. We are now seeing their continued aggression and intimidation against Iran and North Korea and one wonders that they have up their sleeve.

What we the public do not understand is that these very acts alone and the weapons being used are creating a mass genocide of millions of people around the world.

Copenhagen and Climate Change News Round-Up: Globl Goverernance, Population Control, Police Brutality, Debate on Science and More

Global Population Control at Copenhagen

Video: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Video: Global Warming or Global Governance

Interviews of climate scientists and biologists from numerous sources who explain, step by step, why Al Gore and the global warming alarmists are incorrect. In some cases, blatantly so.

Copenhagen Accord Establishes Global Government Framework

 “They are going to take from the western countries the very large financial resources required to do that.” Monckton said, adding “They will disguise it by saying they are setting up a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries, but actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.”

The final text of the accord states that funds obtained from climate financing will be controlled by a “governance structure,” and that a “High Level Panel” will be appointed to decide where the money will come from. In effect, this means that a UN-controlled structure of global governance will override the sovereignty of nation states in collecting and doling out funds obtained under the justification of climate change.


The report, by the respected European Foundation, also argues that a higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main greenhouse gas – is not a problem because it helps to boost crop yields.  And it claims that the warming we are now experiencing is “mostly natural”, pointing to historic shifts in the climate such as when Vikings farmed on Greenland in medieval times.  Political analyst Jim McConalogue, who wrote the report, said: “This demonstrates how tenuous, improper and indeed false the scientific and political claims are for man-made global warming, from claims that climate change can be controlled by human activity to the proposition that CO2 emissions represent a severe threat to our way of life, when in fact there is little evidence to support any of these claims.”

UN Chief: We Will Impose Global Governance

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has again publicly admitted that the agenda behind the Copenhagen summit and the climate change fraud is the imposition of a global government and the end of national sovereignty.

Poor Nations Want Their Own “New World Order” From Copenhagen

Fire and Ice – Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but can’t decide weather we face an ice age or warming

It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of “geologists.” Only the president at the time wasn’t Bill Clinton; it was Grover Cleveland. And the Times wasn’t warning about global warming – it was telling readers the looming dangers of a new ice age.  The year was 1895, and it was just one of four different time periods in the last 100 years when major print media predicted an impending climate crisis. Each prediction carried its own elements of doom, saying Canada could be “wiped out” or lower crop yields would mean “billions will die.”

FLASHBACK – In 1975, Climate Scientists were predicting an ICE AGE!

UNDERSEA VOLCANOES STILL BEING DISCOVERED. Total heat and CO2 contributed to oceans by nature unknowable

Organized Crime in Charge of EU Carbon Trade, Europol Says

Physicist Explains Benefits Of Carbon Dioxide

A physicist from Colorado State University and his colleagues from the North American Carbon Program (NACP) have discerned and confirmed the unforeseen advantages of rising carbon dioxide levels. Through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, scientists have been able to elucidate why plants are growing more rapidly than they are dying.

Carbon Dioxide Quotes

 Boiling Hot Water Found in Frigid Arctic Sea

Many miles inside the Arctic Circle, scientists have found elusive vents of scalding liquid rising out of the seafloor at temperatures that are more than twice the boiling point of water.  The cluster of five hydrothermal vents, also called black smokers, were discovered farther north than any others previously identified. The vents, one of which towers four stories high, are located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Greenland and Norway, more than 120 miles farther north than other known vents.


This data provides the longest direct measurement of the sun’s activity, and reveals the 11-year sunspot activity cycle, as well as other longer-term solar changes.  Also, these records show a notable period of almost non-existent sunspot activity that occurred between 1645 and 1715, known as the Maunder Minimum and named after the English astronomer who studied it.  This period was also dubbed the “Little Ice Age” because of the prolonged period of low temperatures that happened during that same time.

 Past Temperatures Debunk Global Warming Hysteria

This is what the Global Warmists don’t want you to see, if people only knew the climate temperatures 12,000 years ago they would be glad to live on a planet that is livable and not in an Ice Age. If you look at the charts in this video it will show you how lucky we are to live in a long and relatively warm period that is somewhat constant even though earths temperatures have not increased in the past 15 years.

UN Leaders Caught High-Fiving at COP15: Olivia Zaleski Reports

Heat Over a Leaked U.N. Warming Analysis

Video: Another ‘Climategate’? Russian data ‘cherry picked by CRU’ to fit theory

Is Blair trying to cash in on climate change?: Ex-PM arrives at summit to urge greenhouse gas deal

The Scientific Manipulation of Our Reality

 US resorts to bribery to get a deal signed at Copenhagen

 Scientists Considered Pouring Soot Over the Arctic in the 1970s to Help Melt the Ice – In Order to Prevent Another Ice Age

 Environmentalism in the Third Reich

It is a well documented though seldom highlighted fact that the Nazis were also very much into environmentalism- not for environmentalism’s sake of course, but rather as a means of oppression and control. As it turns out, environmentalism fits the form of tyranny like a well tailored suit.

Video: In 1992 George Hunt Exposes Elitist Environmental SCAM

Proof Copenhagen Is “an Elaborate Sham”: Leaked Doc Shows Weak Targets

Pope Speaks on Church’s “Grave Misgivings” about Modern Environmentalism

Interactive Tool Shows Shocking Global Energy Consumption Growth Between 1980 and 2007

Exclusive: Lead Author Admits Deleting Inconvenient Opinions From IPCC Report

Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming

Climategate has already affected Russia. On Tuesday, the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) issued a report claiming that the Hadley Center for Climate Change based at the headquarters of the British Meteorological Office in Exeter (Devon, England) had probably tampered with Russian-climate data.

Behind Hillary Clinton’s $100 Billion Pledge to Poor Nations

Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri’s eye opening Copenhagen presentation

Pentagon’s Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes

Oceans to fall, not rise, over millions of years

Extreme Sea Level Rise Goes Mainstream

The Red Planet was once blue… Giant ocean once covered third of Mars

Mauna Loa Observatory’s carbon dioxide readings near worst-case scenario

Copenhagen: Seattle Grows Up

The Road to Copenhagen part III: A “Planetary Regime” in the Making

Brutal Use of Force on Peaceful Climate Protesters Caught on Tape (Video)

Copenhangen Climate Talks Produce Unprecedented New Gimmick

Protests rock Copenhagen, Day 6

Police Beat Back Climate Protesters


Previously:  ClimateGate and the Surrounding Debate: Best of the Web Round-Up