
Update on the Ongoing Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

Deepwater Horizon Oil in Gulf Traveling Up the Food Chain

BP sued in Ecuador for violating the “rights of Nature”

Scientists Confirm that Dispersants Are Increasing Contamination in the Gulf

Submarine Dive Finds Oil, Dead Sea Life at Bottom of Gulf of Mexico

BP Oil Slams Florida

All 40 scientists agree at meeting: “Fish in the Gulf of Mexico will continue to get sick, die or fail to reproduce as a result” of oil — What about the people?

Deep-water dive reveals spilled oil on Gulf floor

A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill

After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months, we can now disseminate the following information with the authority and confidence of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene.  There are many research articles, investigative reports and penetrating exposes archived at the following website.  Particularly those posted from August through November provide a unique body of evidence, many with compelling photo-documentaries, which portray the true state of affairs at the Macondo Prospect in the GOM.

BP among companies Obama excluded from US environmental oversight

Director of Operations for BP’s Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Recovery Efforts and Former Texas Solicitor General Die in Plane Crash

Environmental catastrophe in the Gulf: The spilled oil has settled on the ocean floor

Oil And Gas Leaks Continue Unabated At Macondo: Photos document oily fluid all over the seafloor

Leading Gulf Oil Spill Activist Group Project Gulf Impact Brings Truth of Upcoming Worldwide Consequences From Spill to Seattle University

New WikiLeaks cables detail BP blowout in Azerbaijan 1.5 years before Gulf disaster

BP faces new fines over Alaska spill

In 2006, a corroded pipeline leaked 200,000 gallons of oil on to the tundra in the worst leak in the history of the North Slope. The company was sentenced to three years’ probation and ordered to pay $20m (£12.5m) in criminal penalties and restitution.

The leak in 2009 occurred when a pipeline at the BP-operated Lisburne oil field burst, leaking nearly 46,000 gallons of crude and oily water near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.  After roughly 165 days of low-temperature warnings, BP found ice in the pipe. Fifteen days later, operators discovered the rupture.

Investigators said BP operators had “failed to respond to the alarms and failed to investigate or troubleshoot the cause of the alarms” and argued that BP should have known better, as it had suffered a similar ruptures in other frozen pipelines as far back as 2001.

Official: “We will NEVER get all of the oil off the beach, that’s just something we have to come to grips with” (VIDEO)

*CONFIRMED* Chemist: That’s BP oil on Southwest Florida beach — “Should put to rest any doubt” over origin of 173 ppm oil found in sand near Sarasota

‘Shadow’ of oil spill seen in Gulf of Mexico plankton

Recent tests “using HUMAN cell lines, show that dispersants cause cell death and DNA damage” says university director

“We’re more concerned about the dispersant and the dispersant mixed with oil–the dispersed oil, if you will–than we are about the crude oil itself.”  Tests conducted in recent months by[University of Southern Maine Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health director John] Wise’s lab, using human cell lines, show that dispersants cause cell death and DNA damage, which has been linked to cancer and reproductive problems.

BP OIL SPILL: Kindra Arnesen Talks About B.P.’s “Blue Plague”

Women Around Gulf with Internal Bleeding & Mysterious Bruises on Torso

Gulf Fishermen Haul in Oil-Covered Shrimp from Newly Opened Waters (Video)

Unexplained Avian Deaths in Gulf of Mexico May be Due to Heavy Metal Toxicity Caused by Oil “Spill”

Multiple boats of fishermen sickened on November 1 — One still hospitalized after “bleeding in his esophagus”

Dallas surgeon “has treated many people from the Gulf that have been made sick by BP’s toxic chemicals”

“I don’t recommend eating Gulf seafood, not with the risk of liver and kidney damage” says toxicologist — “They’re sniffing for something they can’t detect”

Scientists worry about “a cascade of events that will lead to the collapse of entire Gulf species” — May have pushed a variety of sharks “to their tipping point”

Doctor: “Dead people don’t talk, dead people don’t sue, dead people don’t tell the truth, and dead people don’t bother BP”

Gulf Fisherman’s Son Poisoned By Corexit, Kidney Stones at Age 10

BP Oil Spill Worker Sues BP, Nalco and Tidewater Marine Over Corexit Exposure

Multiple independent lab tests confirm oil in Gulf shrimp: “I don’t recommend eating Gulf seafood, not with the risk of liver and kidney damage,”

Illness Plagues Gulf Residents in BP’s Aftermath

New Evidence Links BP to Health Crisis in the Gulf

BP Oil Spill Victims Sickened and Dying, Local Physicians Clueless

The Video NOAA and The FDA Are Afraid You’ll Watch. Lab Finds 193 ppm Oil in Gulf Shrimp

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